Hello World!

Hello everyone! I've just joined mibba because my friends told me about it and I think this is wonderful because I love being creative and this is such a great way to share your thoughts with people just like you.
I used to write a little when I had more time on my hands but when school got busy, the imaginative writer in me sort of went away for a while. When I heard about the school newspaper, I thought it would be a cool thing to get into so I joined. It is so much fun!
I'm also very involved in Band, Drama, and Speech at myschool and Dance outside of school. I love them all so much and I can't think of not being in any of them because there are such wonderful people I've become very close with and always make me feel at home there.
I love my friends and family to death andI don't know what I would do without them. My parents are very supportive of me;they're my heros.My sister is a crazy little worm but she's a sweetie and I love her. My friends and I are pretty crazy too but we always have so much fun. I found this poster on the internet oneday that said, "Friends don't let friends do stiupid things....alone," and I started cracking up when I saw that. My boyfriend is such a sweetheart and we always have such a fun time together and find something to laugh about or joke around (and watch Indiana Jones movies!!!).
My favorite books in the ENTIRE WORLD are the Twilight Series.I swear, it should be a sin if you haven't read it by now. Stepehnie Meyer is sooo cool and she's one of the many people I look up to and admire. I'm quite obsessed if you'd haven't noticed. My other favorites are the Harry Potter Series, Nancy Drew books, and Catcher in the Rye. (I really like series in general)
As for my favorite movies, I don't really have a favorite....yet. (Hopefully that will change after the Twilight Movie) I like Pride and Prejudice and I really want to read the book sometime. My boyfriend got me hooked on Indiana Jones! I absolutly love Disney movies; I grew up on them. I obviously like the Harry Potter ones. I also think Ferris Buler's Day Off is flippin hilarious. I have yet to watch The Notebook but I have a feeling that will be a new favorite. I also like watching the old SNL DVD's.
My favorite type of music is, well, I'm not sure... probably country music. I also like rock and I know this is going to sound lame, but I love old, jazzy music from the 40's! (I think it's because I secretly belong in that time period) I like a lot of varieties of music but what I abolutly can't stand is rap. It a very rare occasion when I find a rap song that I like. ew! *shudders*
My heros are my parents, my Papa, Stephenie Meyer, Nancy Drew, Indiana Jones, and Batman (the one from the old t.v. show)! Okay, I'm kidding about the Nancy Drew and Indiana Jones and Batman part, they're not really real, but everyone else counts.
Alrighty then, now you know a bit about me. I can't wait to start writting again and I encourage you all to read it and give feedback. Thanks everybody!
June 23rd, 2008 at 10:43pm