Why Do I Always Get Weird Illnesses?

I always get sick. Always. Strep throat, the flu, unexplained dizziness, back pain, you name it. I get sick 15-20 times a year, more if you count little things like colds and allergies. Right now I have some sort of problem with my leg. It has this really painful ache and it's hard to move my toes. Sometimes it's so bad I'm in tears and I can't walk. The doctors have no clue what's wrong so they just decided to put me in a cast. So now I can't swim for like two weeks, or until they figure out what's wrong with me. That's bad because I'm on the swim team and there are very few people in my age group for meets.

I know I shouldn't complain when there are far worse off people than me with life-threatening illnesses and stuff, but this is really aggravating to me. Sorry for being such a whiny bitch right now. I promise to post something more positive next time.
June 24th, 2008 at 01:55am