People try to hide the lies.

So writing a journal is not what I consider creative.
So I can do that.
I need to get all these jumbled-up thoughts out of my head anyways.

My thoughts today are on:

People throw that word around a lot.
It can be good, like "Oh Jim? Hahaha, he's so crazy! I love that dude"
Or it can be bad, "There's this lady on my street who has like, twelve cats. Yeah. Bitch is CRAZY"

But I was thinking to myself, and it seems to me that everyone is crazy.
I don't think it's possible not to be.
I can't deny it- I'm crazy.
But seriously how can we not be?
There's no such thing as sane.
There's no such thing as normal.
Those are just images people try to be.
Our culture throws so many pre-defined images of what we SHOULD be at us.
We get so caught up in trying to fit into these images that we don't really know who we really are anymore.
Where do the lies end and the real you begin?

Seriously, think about it.
If we didn't have these steriotypes on what we should be, who we should be, how we should look, what we should act like; how different would you be?
I can't even begin to imagine what I'd be like.
If we weren't always trying to impress someone, trying to be like something, or even trying to hard to stand out and be different than what would the real us be?

I guess we can't really ever know.
Which brings me back to the crazies.
When you're living in a world where you don't even know what's the real you, how can you say anyone's not crazy?
Society today is just a bunch of crazy people thrown together pretending to know what they're doing.
And underneath it all, we're all insane.
So maybe that means we're all "normal" after all.
June 24th, 2008 at 02:19am