How stupid was I in thinking I'd be alright?

So, after reading an article on here about teen depression, this is what I came up with.

"Teenagers may exclusively experience headaches and stomach aches that occur without medical reason, or withdraw from most people. Adult depression may cause a need for complete isolation, but teenagers will often keep up some friendships, although socializing less than before.Other symptoms include sadness or hopelessness, restlessness, agitation, irritability, anger/hostility, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, frequent crying/tearfulness, lack of motivation, lack of enthusiasm, withdrawing from friends and family, fatigue, loss of interest in activities, difficulty concentrating, or changes in sleeping and eating habits. More obvious signs are thoughts of death and suicide,".

Headaches, yes.
Stomach aches, sometimes.
Withdrawn from people, yes.
Socializing less than before, yes.
Sadness and hopelessness, yes.
Restlessness, agitation, irritability, anger/hostility, yes.
Feelings of guilt and worthlessness, frequent crying/tearfulness, yes.
Lack of motivation, lack of enthusiasm, yes.
Withdrawn from friends and family, fatigue, loss of interest in activites, yes.
Difficulty concentrating or changes in sleeping and eating habits, yes.
Thoughts of death and suicide, yes.

I have concluded that may very well be suffering from depression. I mean, it's the only logical explanation for what I've been feeling for the longest time.
And I want to tell somebody, I want to tell somebody more than anything. I want to go up to someone and just scream in their face, "NO! No, I'm not following a trend, this is for real,".

But nobody would believe me. Family? No way, they already think I fake too much stuff. I'm the type of person that always seems to have some type of physically ailment. They wouldn't listen. Friends? Yeah, most of my friends don't live anywhere near me, so I'm not sure how much help that would be. And the one friend that I have that's not on the other side of the country wouldn't understand. In the entire six years that we've known eachother, she has only see me cry a total of probably three or four times. To her, I'm strong and invincible.

I just don't know what to do. I've tried ignoring it because I don't want it to be true.. and I don't want to ask somebody for help because I don't want to be looked at differently. I've tried to ignore it because I don't want to feel pathetic like this anymore, and I guess it doesn't help that I just did a Google search for online therapists.
I just need to tell somebody, somebody that cares. Not somebody that's just listening to me ramble on and on and on because it's there job, or somebody that's just listening to me because they want to be a hero. I want somebody that really cares, but I can't. The few people that I know would care for sure are nowhere near me. They're in Chicago writing a new record. I mean, I could email them, I guess. But what if I'm wrong and it's just a waste of their time? I'd hate to waste their time on something that may not even be as serious as I think it is..

Really, I'm not expecting anybody to comment on this. I just needed to get it out somewhere, to type it all down and know that I could get the words right if I did in fact ever decide to speak them.
If you've read this far, thanks. I appreciate it.

June 24th, 2008 at 04:35am