How I'm Feeling as of June 24th

I don't know what more I can say. We currently have our sister living with us. She is 23 and is about to have another baby. Yes, I said it, ANOTHER BABY!
She and her daughter, my niece, are living here for a little while. Leaving me completely exhausted!
She has been acting more like my mother rather than my sister. And I don't really mean that in a good way.
Just now she had asked me what was for dinner.
I had agreed with my mom on Beef Stroganof (I don't really care what we eat for dinner =p).
She actually got a tad bit prissy and said, "Ugh, why do you get to pick what we eat"?
She usually never really cares. I told her that i really only eat the rice. (Beef Stroganof is steak things, gravy and rice, not so great if you ask me)
She told me to stop being like her! I found that to be a little offensive.
I had the strongest urge right then and there to say out of all the people of the world, why would i pick to be like someone, who got knocked up by the same guy.... TWICE?!
It's just little things that really tick me off. Really, who gets mad over dinner?
But, little things really get to me. And i have plenty of other pressure on my shoulders right now, and I don't need her to add more on.
My friend in California told me that my other friend had just died.....LIE!
She just recently told me that she was kidding. Um, I don't find that very funny!
My ex-boyfriend, who i still like and is one of my friends, asked my friend out when my friend knew i still liked him. (Confusing, I know)
But that wasn't what made me mad. What made me mad was that 1) he is being a complete ass about it and 2) she is being a complete ass about it.
But hey, stuff happens....But why does it have to happen to me? =[

PLEASE< PLEASE< PLEASE tell me what to do!!
June 24th, 2008 at 05:08pm