You Must Be Joking.

Yeah, okay, i'm posting about school again.

I got given an envelope today with all this new "Gifted and Talented" shizz in it. I've been on the G and T register since year seven, when we all did some test. I'm pretty sure i'm only on it because of my vocabulary. & because their standards are low. The more people they let on, the more students they can pretend they have enrolled that are "gifted."

Heh. Anyways, it had a load of rubbish in it, banging on about how many privileges the scheme can give you. Let me just tell you this, in case you get put on it. YOU.GET.NOTHING.

actually, that's a lie. You get teachers constantly on your back, telling you to do more. And cos i'm a lazy underacheiving bum, most of my teachers want to have me pushed off a cliff. :cute:

The part that made me laugh was "because your child can do great things."

seriously. what the hell?

I'm not saying I can't do great things. I'm saying that me being on the G and T reg doesn't make it more likely. Everyone can do great things. Great things do not have to be academic to be great. If a person who gets U's in every single GCSE exam saves a life, I think that is a great thing. Or if someone who has average grades in school writes a song that people love. That's great.

Anyone can do great things. In the words of Eminem- "You can do anything you set your mind to."

And yes, I know i'm an ungrateful brat. ^_^ You're only telling me cos you'd feel bad about it and i don't.
June 24th, 2008 at 09:02pm