Deathbat Dictionary (DBD)

Special memories have been formed on the Avenged Sevenfold forum. To commemorate them, I am starting a dictionary

1. Ninja: (v.) to steal; stealthily thieve. origin-The mind of Lyndsey

2. Jimmazing: (adj.) Amazing to the point it is as though it has been touched by Jimmy Sullivan origin-The mind of Liss

3. Zexy: (adj.) a degree of sexy that surpasses the current spectrum; as Jimmazing as Zacky Baker origin-The minds of Moriah and Jaci

4. Mattastic: (adj.) Not just fantastic, but Mattastic; exceeds the definition of fantastic just like Matt Sanders origin-The mind of Lyndsey

5. Johnnyful: (adj.) beyond the bounds of wonderful; touched by Johnny Seward origin-The mind of Moriah

6. Giggletastic: (adj.) it speaks for itself origin- The mind of Moriah

7. Fantastical: (adj.) -see entry six- origin-The mind of Liss

8. Mattabulous: (adj.) so far beyond fabulous; graced by Matt Sanders origin- The mind of Moriah

9. Synlicious: (adj.) so delicious it is sinful; marked by Brian Haner Jr. origin-The mind of Sammi

10. Jimmyness: (adv.) an act or trait relating to one Jimmy Sullivan; (ab.n.)a state of being origin-The mind of Jen

11. Syntastic: (adj.) fantastic to the point of being sinful; related to Brian Haner Jr. origin-The mind of Jen

12. Revlicious: (adj.) delicious in relation to Jimmy Sullivan origin-The mind of Jen

13. Egosynstical: (adj.) a level of egotism equaling or surpassing that of Brian Haner Jr. origin-The mind of Jen

14. Vengarific: (adj.) of an intensity equaling Zacky Baker origin-The mind of Lyndsey

15. Skit: (n.) offensive term referring to nothing in particular origin-The mind of Lyndsey

16. Johnnydorable: (adj.) adorable+the touch of Johnny Seward origin-The mind of Jaci

17. Johnnyrific: (adj.) having received the condescension of Johnny Seward, the proverbial 'it' is now outside the realm of terrific origin-The mind of Moriah

18. Johnnyism (act. n.) displaying characteristics similar to those of Johnny Seward origin- The mind of Moriah

19. Vengifying: (v.) to elicit as much thrill as Zacky Baker origin- The mind of Moriah

20. Syning (v.) a degree of sining equaling that of being Brian Haner Jr. origin- The mind of Jaci

21. Mattplosion: (n.) an explosion or implosion of catastrophic proportions it seems as though Matt Sanders has willed it origin- The mind of Moriah

22. Jimmygasm: (n.) level of excitement produced by Jimmy Sullivan origin- The mind of Moriah

23. Avengedish: (adj.) having the characteristics of Avenged Sevenfold origin- The mind of Moriah

24. Mattery: (n.) exhibiting qualities such as those found in one Mr. Matt Sanders origin- The mind of Lyndsey

25. Synnieninny: (n.) slang term for a stupid person, which has the abrasive qualities of Brian Haner Jr. origin- The mind of Jaci

26. Zackorama: (n.) a spectacle that leaves the same impression as Zacky Baker origin- The mind of Moriah

27. Sevenfoldism: (n.) condition referring being part of the Sevenfold; system of principles belonging to the Sevenfold origin- The mind of Liss

28. Mattadelic: (adj.) producing the euphoric sensations brought on by thoughts of Matt Sanders origin- The mind of Lyndsey

29. Revtacular: (adj.) spectacular in a way unique to Jimmy Sullivan origin-The mind of Liss

30. Synpendous: (adj.) ridiculously stupendous much like Brian Haner Jr. origin-The mind of Jaci

31. Mattness: (n.) state of insanity caused by Matt Sanders; (adj) slang term for anything highly acceptable origin- The mind of Moriah

32. Jimmyesque: (adj) in the manner of Jimmy Sullivan origin- The mind of Lyndsey

33. Jimifrying: (v.) to burn because Jimmy Sullivan commanded origin- The mind of Sammy

34. Johnnyish: (adj.) displaying mannerism and/or characteristics of Johnny Seward origin- The mind of Moriah

35. Christastic: (adj.) magnificently rapturous in the way of Johnny Seward origin-The mind of Jaci

36. Zackemonium: (v.) chaos influenced by Zacky Baker origin- The mind of Moriah

37. Zacktion: (n.) state of activity induced by Zacky Baker origin- The minds of Jaci and Moriah

38. Johnnyfied: (adj.) touched by Johnny Seward origin-The minds of Moriah and Jaci

39. Zadorable: (adj.) I think this explains better than words. origin-The mind of Moriah Image

40. Zacknacious: (adj.) overflowing with the attributes of Zacky Baker origin-The mind of Bee

41. Revness: (n.) benevolence inspired by Jimmy Sullivan origin- The mind of Lyndsey

42. Jimbrained: (adj.) crazy in the most wonderful way in the fashion of Jimmy Sullivan origin- The mind of Lyndsey

43. Zackload: (n.) exceedingly excessive amount brought forth by Zacky Baker origin- The mind of Jen

44. Synncredible: (adj.) unbelievable to the point of being like Brian Haner Jr. origin- The mind Liss

45. Revology: (n.) The study of all topics suggested and/or related to Jimmy Sullivan origin- The minds of Moriah and Jen

46. Wojanky: (adj.) A combination of the words wonky and janky which designates a person, place, or thing as both stupidly crazy and straight up ghetto to the point of retardism. origin- The minds of Liss, Lyndsey, and Bee

47 Fanst: (v.) To fan oneself while fainting. origin- The mind of Bee
June 25th, 2008 at 12:25am