My latest issue with the male species

Okay so this is my first journal entry here and, to me, journals are like diaries. Online journals are like public diaries lol
Anyway, I have something on my mind. Guys. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think of them very often. Few of them are worth spending much thought on. I just broke up wth a guy for what I want to call differences. I don't really regret anything about the relationship, he was good to me, he had alot of emotion and I loved that about him.
As for my new issue with the male species: Please, for the love of God, say EXACTLY what you mean!!!!!!
I have been pulled into so many situations just because some guy didn't say what he meant.
I mean starting with those guys who seem to only want one thing. That is absolutely depressing! You waste my time and yours on some pointless and painful relationship, when you could've simply come out with your desire and expectation in the beginning.
And as painful as it can be ladies, we have to except this stuff one way or another. I'd rather have a guy come out and say "Look, I'm looking for sex in this relationship at some point so..." or "I like to cheat, I'm not a faithful type of love." rather than to spend three months falling for this person to cometo find out that they are a total jerk and they tricked me.
Or as my Mommy used to say about my Dad "He got me." Lol
He pretended to be kind and things that, made her really like him, but when they got married KABOOM!!!
Arguments, fights, seperations, jail least thats how my family does. Haha yeah we're a bit extreme but independent.
All I feel is that, I know I'm good enough to be loved and I've grown in ways enabling me to be reading to except love and be responsible with it...
But guys, they make it so hard...
June 25th, 2008 at 06:36am