
I've never been like this before. It's properly insane.

I feel so differently to him than anyone else. He makes me smile all the time. I feel ill when I'm not with him. When he smiles I can't speak. When he does that thing where he blows a kiss without his hand, it blows my mind up.

I love his eyes. Obsessively. They have long, think black lashes that stand out against his pale skin. His eyes are aquamarine blue, with a sunflower yellow centre and a navy band around the outside. I love his lips. They're pouty and the colour of blood. I love how he's a foot taller than me, and has to stoop crazily to hold hands with me. I love the way he always smells the same. His own little perfume, that makes me feel relaxed just thinking about it.

I love the way he tells me things. 'You're my world' traced nervously onto my stomach with his finger tip. Last night, 'I think I've fallen completely and in controlably in love with you' texted tentatively, as if he's scared of my reaction.

I love the way we just seem to fit together, my shoulder under his shoulder, my waist into his hip. It's like our bodies dance. I love the way his skin feels against mine. I love the way that when I touch his back, he forgets everything and can't concentrate.

I love him.
June 25th, 2008 at 11:10am