Election Day

No homework, means more time surfing the net and writing up this journal. Actually I was supposed to post this yesterday but my browser just closed and I really didn't want to retype this journal again since it's tiring. So lesson learned save this journal!

So well yeah, yesterday was our Election Day and one of my friends well actually three ran for a spot in the student council. One of them ran as the governor of our batch, this position is more of a the president of our batch. And the other two ran for the treasurer spot.

It's actually easy voting between the two although they're my friends, it's just that my other "friend" is more of an enemy than a friend (frenemy much right?) although she, Domi, that's her name, is a part of my clique. While the other friend Kate, has her own group of friends but we still do keep in touch. People outside of the group will wonder why I won't vote for Domi since she's my "best friend" (yeah right, whatever) so I'm just telling them that I'm voting for her although I'm voting for Kate. Yeah, I know I'm mean.

I don't actually feel guilty that I did that, although she keeps reminding us to vote for her. Get this we're a group of friends with 8 people in it including me and her, but only 2 voted for her, Monica and Maria. We don't actually like her, although it's fun to share with her laughter. We're just acting all fake around her, but this happens rarely. I think only I do this.

This had been going on for a long while now, I think 3 years. Well, she hasn't been a part of the group since 4 years ago, we were fifth grade students back then. That time she was good, I did like her, but things went downhill when we entered the sixth grade level.

*dun dun dun duuuunnnnnnnn*

Since our school is a co-ed school, there'll be, of course boys around. There was this time when a guy started 'crushing' on her. This guy Lorent, has a lot of crushes, he seems to have new crushes everyday so it's not a big deal. Well she really made a BIG-uh deal about it. She started to act like every boy liked her. The problem with our school is that with every 10 boys there are 35 girls, so yeah imagine Lorent's crushes everyday, of course it'll change! She, Domi started to flirt with all the boys, and I mean ALL THE BOYS! Oh well except for the Star Wars fanatics, no offense. I was p i s s e d not because I was jealous, I was just really p i s s e d!

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June 25th, 2008 at 12:19pm