Something Is Amiss.

What I mean when I say something is amiss, I mean that my boyfriend is acting extremely strange. I feel like he's distancing himself from me, and it sort of hurts.. He's been acting really weird around me, and I can't seem to figure out why, so I keep making up these things in my head of why, and I don't even ask him about anything. I'm scared to confront him about his ex girlfriend, because I don't want him to think that I'm clingy, needy, or any of those other words used to describe girls that love their boyfriends a little ''too much'', supposedly.. I'm not going to be able to deal with this for much longer. I'm in love with him and everything, but he's breaking my heart into millions of little pieces and doesn't even seem to realize how different I've been acting lately simply because of his actions. He barely even talks to me on the phone anymore, when we used to talk on the phones for hours on end whenever we first started dating. I mean, we're engaged for Pete's sake! He's wanting me to move to Philadelphia with him in January or sometime around that time. I'm starting to have doubts, and I'm getting cold feet, and we haven't even started planning anything for the wedding yet! I'm seriously feeling like I'm losing my mind, slowly but surely. One of these days, I'm going to get into the state where I'm banging my head into walls to get the freaking voices out of my head. Anyways... That was a bit random, but I'm going to stop chit-chatting your ears off. Have a good day, everybody. Much love. Jillian-Sue
June 25th, 2008 at 11:17pm