If you love BackInBlack then read this

Before I go onto my topic here's to all you people who don't like the word 'fuck' used in excess:


Now that little matter of business is over, onto the next topic.

So this is starting to be a bunch of bullshit. Not only did I get BANNED from posting pictures on here (Hence the Picture of the Week thing), but a very good friend of mine and amazingly talented writer got banned completely. This would happen to be BackInBlack. Now, this is becoming to be horseshit. I don't know what she did to get banned, but it's fucking ridiculous because the girl is an amazing writer and she might quit writing completely because of this. So this is to all you people who enjoy reading her stories. Leave some love in the comment box below begging her to keep writing. I'll send her the comments that you left and hopefully if she see's that there's enough love she won't quit writing and we can find a way for you guys to keep reading her stuff!

If you do not know whoBackInBlack is or ever read her stuff, DO NOT leave me fucking comments about the reasons she could've gotten banned. I'll go ape shit here and I don't really care who you are, so just to keep that in mind because it'll be WWIII if that does happen.

But please some love for her and she won't stop writing!

And this was a meaningful fucking journal. Thank you, have a nice day.
June 26th, 2008 at 05:27am