Quote: One problem with alcohol...

"One problem with alcohol
Is the more you drink it
The more you want it.
If a little makes you forget
A bit of your pain,
More lets you crawl into a fuzzy space where
Nothing hurts at all...." -Ellen Hopkins "Burned"

On Friday June... (okay point being i don't remember SHIT!) I noticed that this quote is true.

See, that day I went to a party with my friend Hillz * and Lele*. We had all types of liquor. I had my mind set on finishing my coronas (yeah I know lots of people hate beer. And to tell you the truth... so do I. But i have to have coronas. I don't know why.)

- 1 Smirnoff
- 1 Corona
- 1 Margarita
- 3 Screwdrivers
- 5 Shots of J.D.'s
- 2 Coronas
- And some tequila

I was pretty buzzed when I got to the 2nd screwdriver. And then i started talking to my friend Billy*. See, him and I got in a huge argument before the party. When we were sober we only exchanged looks. When we were both quite a bit buzzed we started talking. He told me that he wanted me to stop popping the love pill. I told him fine I would... we parted our ways... then i head Billy cry. See... He is apperantly a suicidal drunk. I never knew there was such a thing... but point being i had a problem at hand... my friend was trying to kill himself... lele was all over a guy (but I shouldnt be the one talking cause I was too... he was all over me.. w/e.) and hillz was all alone... crying... talking with her boyfriend... soo.... i started to drink even more... then i got to the point where i didnt give a fuck. i didnt care that Billy was trying to kill himself. i didnt care that lele in a way corrupted the guy. i only cared about my actions. i did crawl into a space where nothing hurts. and that place... i would visit it anytime i can.

* Names have been either changed, or I used their nicknames.
June 26th, 2008 at 07:57pm