My Buffy Story Thingy...

Okay there are three relationships going on. Well the MAYJOR ones.

Passion and Connor.

Passion and Angel.

Passion and Cameron.

Yes Passion is the main character of the story. I can not give away too much info or it will ruin suprises coming up. K.

Passionette, her sister and mom move to Sunnydale from Toronto, ON where they meet Dawn and and chick name Lilly.


The story starts like a month before the final battle. So yes Spike will be in it.[It wouldnt be a awesome story without him!]

You know the whole thing with Cordy being evil. That anit happen in the story so Connor is totally insane and all that.

When i was writing this story i also had an obsession with Degrassi so you might see some of the degrassi students come in. Haha!

Im a retard.

In my last entry i told yall about how i dont know anything about magics and stuff. I made alot of shit up at the time and it seems cool to me. I know alot of it may be wrong but...

I've already posted chapters. It's called Wolfram Academy. Basically Wolfram Academy is a school for the Lawyers of Wolfram and Hart...well its for their children if they have any. They teach them evil things. Demons, witches[the bad ones], and anyone evil has been to that school. YEP!

AN-TEE-WAYS...go ahead and read it. Tell me whatcha thinks. Even if you get bored right at the beginning, click on that comment thing and tell me and i wont post anymore.
June 26th, 2008 at 09:32pm