Sevenfold Phrases For Everyday Use

Rev Damnit - Jen

Holy Vengeance - Lyndsey

Sweet Vengeace - Moriah

Failing worse than Syn trying to be humble (a metaphor) - Jen

For Syn's Sake -Lyndsey


Well Johnny C = Well I'll be...- Lyndsey

For the love of Vengeance!! - Lyndsey

Oh Matt = Oh Damn - Lyndsey

Hot Matt = Hot Damn - Jaci

Well Syn = Well Shit - Lyndsey

Oh My Rev = Oh my word - Jen

Zack = Fuck - Lyndsey

Rev Zacking Matt it = Fucking Damnit - Lyndsey

Wild Ride = A trip of any kind - Lyndsey

Eat it = Do it - Lyndsey

What the Zack = What the Fuck - Lyndsey

Matt the BAMF P.DOG - Jen

Syn = Shit - Lyndsey

Sweet Zacktion! - Moriah and Jaci

Syn Almighty - Bee

Oh My Sweet Johnnycakes - Lyndsey

Oh Coinsyndink - Bee

OMFR/ OMZR = Oh My Fuckin' (Zackin') Rev - Lyndsey

Oh Revness = Oh Goodness - Lyndsey

Ima beat the dying deathbats outta you - Lyndsey

Revspeed - Bee

Holy Matt on a stick! - Lyndsey
June 27th, 2008 at 06:27pm