20 minutes of me

It's raining outside, really hard so I go outside of course.
I jump on the trampoline like the manic I am And laugh as It rains even harder.
Doing flipps and landing some.
Not landing others on purpose, just to get wet.
Listening to screaming loud music from my Ipod tucked away.
Laughing my head off.
Singing the lyrics to "Bad girlfriend" Theory of a dead man.
and "Little smirk" Theory of a dead man
"Come one Come all." All time low
"Coffe shoppe sound track" All time low
"Break away" Tokyo Hotel
"Ready set go" Tokyo Hotel
Singing off key on purpose and laughing at the thunder.
Getting soaked to the skin and not caring.
Being so happy about everything and nothing.
Makes it so much more worth while.
May be you think I need to take little pshyco pills now, but everyone needs a little craziness to remedy the bad things.
I know I need help, but I don't want it.
Why should I? So people can pry into my private thoughts I don't think so.
My mind is 100% f>cked up and that s what makes it good.
Because If I wasn't like this then I would not be me.
I would be someone else, who cares about that stuff.
comitment, relationships, other peoples opinions about myself, backstabbing, love, need whatever.
I would rather be laughing like a manic in the rain than be the same.
Because I hate coming inside.
To dry my hair, clean up, and pop stress zits.
Life has lots of pressures, so to make it better play in the rain.
You need your get better time because well society doesn't always help

You'll probably feel better or catch a cold

I promise
June 28th, 2008 at 03:36am