MSI At Terminal 5. What a day.

So, it all started with me and Zoe in math class. We were listening to our iPods and doing a worksheet together [yeah, it is possible] and Issues came on shuffle. I tapped Zoe [oh baby] and made her listen to it. Thus, a Mindless Self Indulgence fan was born.

Zoe's totally cool. She's mad chill and sorta an indie freak, but in a good way. Not all stuck up like "OH MY GOD, YOU DON'T KNOW THEM!?" She's a chill ho. And she's my ghetto pass, so fuck yes.

So, against our parents wishes, but still with their consent, [I don't know how that happened, really] we got to the show that happened last night. Or maybe two nights ago since it's like 12:50am at the moment. Whatever.

We decided that I should basically picture document our travels... which was easier said than done at some times which shall be known later. Anywho...

Sorry for the large photo-ness but I'm too fuckin' lazy to crop/resize them. Fuck that. Deal.

Le Beginning

I got a haircut, which was way too short and the bitch had some problem with making it pin straight so I was pissed. I had to straighten it myself which didn't work out too well. Thanks humidity.

I met Zoe at Starbucks in town and we got bored so we went to CVS to get supplies.

Went back to Starbucks.

Decided it was train time where we made fun of sketchy people [blonde kid with the peirced... bull nose ring thing and guy-sleeping-with-mouth-open across from us].

We got out at Penn Station and then got lost. Me, not being a New Yorker and barely ever alone without parents in New York, didn't know shit about the streets or anything. Zoe was farely more street savvy, but when it came to finding the god damn fucking Subway F... hah no way.
I called Alex [Cween Almond, I believe] and she gave us directions that I couldn't hear at all, so those didn't help too much.
We asked some nice train station lady and she directed us so some street or another.
Sketchy subway station was fucking humid and officially ruined my hair so it went in a sad little pony tail from then on.
We got on the subway train and, oh god, it was so awkwardly cramped in there and this creepy kept staring at me. We did what anyone in their right minds would do. We danced.

We got to the venue after walking a fuckin' bajillion blocks [like five really long ones actually] and got there just in time to meet Jesus [the robed one], and Britt, and Jenni, and Alex's friends, and... not Britt's friends. [I met them when they were smushed against me in the pit! Yay!

So we legit sprinted into the venue and got barracade [fuck yes]. Slowly it started filling up, as venues do, and by the time the first act came on, Me, Zoe, Jenni, Alex, and Alex's friends were on LynZ's side smushed against the barrier.
Then this retarded little bitch think's she has all the right because she "knows LynZ" so she tries to pull herself up in between Zoe and Jenni. They bitched her out with a bit of help from me and Zoe made a nice Hannah Montanna crack which made me chuckle. She kept trying to move up, but whatever. Nothing we couldn't handle. Jenni said she's probably one of the Mibba bitches on here, so if you were at the show and you tried to get closer and got your hand ripped off the barracade/got bitched at by, drop me a message. We'll chat. It'll be fun.

Concert Started.

First up: JulienK.

JulienK is the most rediculous band ever. If you like them, I feel for you.
The lead singer... is Elvis. I don't even wanna disrespect The King like that either!

Have you ever willingly wanted to see your dad shirtless? Yeah, me either, so why the fuck did this guy take his shirt off?
He also took it upon himself [pun intended] to molest himself for us.

During the breaks in between songs I just screamed stuff like "I want to cup your balls!" and "Let me lick those fine thighs!" ...I hope he heard...

This guy was just a fuckin' creep.

The keyboardist man infront of me was the best part of the whole set, and it's really hard to pull anything good out of it.
He was so cute!
He had this badass limp-wristed ego to him. How very Bam Margera.

So, uh... I got the drummer's drumstick?
This guy?
Who are you?

That drumstick was sucha pain in my ass... literally. I had to shove it down my pants and I have bruises to show for it. Thanks, random-drummer-dude-who-I-have-no-desire-to-research-the-name-for.

Thanks for wasting my time, JulienK. Suck me.

"Is she screeching!?"

Another rediculous band. I don't even know their name. Jenni says it's What What Now, but I don't know for sure so I just called it WaWaWeeWa.

This girl was screeching.
In your childhood, or now, have you ever owned one of those... stick things. They were hollow and had this wierd whistle thing inside and it would make this obnoxious noise when you turn it upsidedown or rightsideup? The stupid little "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Some of you will know what I mean, others... not so much.
But, nevertheless, that was the noise she was making in the beginning.
Even the security guards were laughing. [There was one that looked like David Blaine. I'll point him out later.]
During the song breaks where it was semi-quiet me and Zoe kept making the noises and earned a few glares. Twas a joy.
I didn't take too many pictures of them, because I never want to remember them... ever.

The Birthday Massacre

The chick was way cute, but a little bit overdramatic. Also, I have something against girl leads. They just annoy me. Hate them.

I mostly took pictures of this guy 'cause he was so cute and kept posing for me and just making general weird faces. Le cute, much?

This guy reminded me of Mikey so much. He didn't move around a lot and was just being a cutie the whole time.
This is the most emotion we got out of him.

Now, this guy...
I say Marilyn Manson needs to get the fuck off MCR's back about stealing shit and start something with this dude. I mean, they look the same! I know he was immitating The Joker and shit, but seriously? Too much of a similarity for me to handle.
Manson, rip the dick out of your ass and stop being such a lame fuck.

Mindless Self Indulgence
"It's about fucking time!"

Kitty came on first being the bundle of meowing joy she is. Pure pwnage. Love to the Kitty.
I couldn't even get one decent picture of her 'cause of the smoke ["Weed!"] everywhere and lights and shit. I got this, though.
Also, I'm quite happy with myself for this one...
I'm not a perv! Srsly!

While school was still in, we didn't have homework the last week or so, so I thought I'd use the time I would be doing homework with to do something productive. Here's a picture of them, and for some reason, they look really creepy and really bad, but I swear in real life they were pretty sweet. [If i do say so myself.]
They ended up being thrown onstage by me and Zoe. LynZ didn't see who threw them, but she looked over at them when they flew her way and she pushed them to the side after putting on an "Awww!" [as in one of those sappy-eyed "OMFG SO CUTE!?!11" looks] face and mouthed something like "Oh my god that's so cute! I love you!" She was eye-searching around the crowd for the people who shot them her way, but I'm pretty sure everyone was staring at her so she didn't know. Me and Zoe tried to call her name and tell her that I made them, but her name was getting called allover so it was hard. She finally looked and I screamed "I made those!" like mad fucking loud and pointed and shit and she gave a little nod, but I don't think she knew what in the fuck I was saying. Ah well. I put my name on them and my city, so maybe [if she shows Gerard] he'll make this mind-connection and be all "Whoa! She was the one who made me the birthday card!" How many people are MCR fans from Summit, New Jersey? Uh, none. Only me. And he was born here so you'd think that'd ring a bell once and a while, you know?
Word. Here's proof.
I kind of just noticed this, but Gerard's head is down by LynZ's orange felt panties. *snicker*

LynZ was so cute. She kept making all these adorable faces and singing along and just being a general LynZ. [NOWAI!]
This one is precious.
Pffft, show off.
"Screwin' is such a bore!"
Hello, back-of-David-Blaine's-head. David Blaine sure do likey what he see see.
Rockin' out like only LynZ can.
*le shock attack*
She let her hair down... literally.
She really ought to teach me some hair secrets 'cause we have the same type of hair, but of course, me being the lucky one, have the mad frizz problems. I suspect gel is a factor in hers. Perhaps next time if I meet her...

Steve basically stayed on the other side except for a few times when he came over to mock wrist-cut with his guitar pick. I got a video of that, but I'm too lazy to upload it so subscribe to my journals [I think you can, right?] and I'll post another one with videos on YouTube or where ever I feel like.

Jimmy... oh boy Jimmy. Jimmy is fucking beast. That's all I can and will say.
That's David Blaine, the security guard, by the way.
He put on some fairy wings that were thrown onstage. Took him about five minutes to figure out how they worked and they ended up backwards anyway. Heh.

So, Jimmy went insane crazy, as Jimmy tends to do, and used this tiger head as a prop for singing Animal!

After the removal of his annoying jacket, he brought out Mrs. Urine to help him Get It Up.
He said "Finally I did something right!" which I thought was really cute 'cause it was pertaining to his wifey. Awwwz.

Then he got half-naked.

Then he got dressed in other people's clothes that were so readily thrown onstage. After demanding a skirt and not getting one, ever the quick thinker, Jimmy improvised and used some cheetah tank top as one. That one's got brainz he does.
I didn't get anypicture of this 'cause I was too busy screaming/singing/scream-singing.

Jimmy eventually ended up climbing up the side [starting on Steve's side] of the three-story-ish-type club thingy and did a once-around the balcony, coming down on the other side [LynZ's side].
He sang along to a farewell song which I have the video of and will gladly post in the soon-to-be-new-journal-entry entry.

I bought a shirt. I had to. Shirt's from concert's are pwnage and you know it.

The shirt is that grey dangley thing. I looked like complete and utter shit after the concert, but what can you expect, really? I had water constantly dumped on me [This would includea bucket full of water that was particularily made to fall on me and my camera. Hey thanks, guy.], I got humped by people I've never even known existed before, I sweated all the water out of me and whatever else I was packin' [which wasn't much because I didn't eat at all that day except for water and gum], I dry-heaved the whole time they were setting up for MSI because the barrier was digging into my ribs along with the guy-next-to-me's elbow and the 10,000lb's of people sure wasn't helping, and I got stabbed in the hips by a drumstick.
If I looked like a princess after that shit, I'd want a medal, for fuck's sake.

After the show, Zoe made a basket when she threw a gum wrapper down my bewbage.

I made a bunch of dinosaur neck shots during the walk to find water.

And , even after running to the subway and running from the subway to Penn, we missed the last train of the night that was headed to Summit, and with the one to Bayhead and Trenton not making any stops at all, we were fucked.
My asshole mom was out of the question 'cause well... she's a controlling asshole, so thank fucking god Zoe's dad is the nicest person on the face of the planet. He drove out to get us. While we waited for him...
We got chips!

I got home and passed out.

Woke up this morning to survey the damage.

Dead knee.
Mad-terrible bruised hips that don't look too bad here, but are in the realz.
Random other bruises.
Some random fucking hole in my leg.

Worth every bump.

I guess that's all...
And, I know some of you guys are gonna wanna save some of these pictures [like the cute LynZ one in the beginning] and that's totally cool with me, but if you decide to post it anywhere like forums or some mass-viewed place, would you kindly site me? Thanks, babies. I love you all... er... most of you. Those of you who aren't assholes. <333

Subscribe [I really think you can!] for the journal containing the video's which shall be coming out soonish!
June 29th, 2008 at 09:23am