
- First journal entry on this new website Awkward.... My name is Kathleen Florence Slattery though I very rarely go by that. I was born in the year 1991, I'm a Scorpio. Evidently I like to list things rather than actually write lol. Um I'm the fourth daughter in my family, I'm the weird one a mix of everything I suppose when I was little I wanted to do everything with my older brother Marty ( Martin Joesph Slattery the fourth tell me that isn't the most amazing name ever) I guess because I had so many sister they weren't as important as my only older brother. Now I tend to go my own way although I still hang out with my brother on occasion well I did before I moved. I give you the run down on my life a quick summary:
I was born in queens lived their till I was three than I moved to a little town on Long Island which could only be described as on the wrong coast its a total California surf town, except in the winter we have to brave the cold air and freezing ocean. I spent my entire childhood there and loved it even through the bad things the hard times I still loved my home, My heart and soul are there. This year on December Twenty Third My house burnt down, and within three months I no longer lived where I belonged, I left my older brother, my sister Jessie and my best friend Angela who may as well be family behind. Where I live now I feel so disconnected to the world everything is tres spread out. I can't seem to let it go.
Up until recently I'm ashamed to admit I liked the same kid for four years and did absolutely nothing. Its really embarrassing but if I'm going to tell you about myself I might as well give it all Yeah I D as well call him for way too long and its kind of embarrassing now Angela is convinced that we'll end up together but I know the truth, I don't want to be with him and I never did I think I was trying to avoid being with anyone else, I think I'm afraid to fall in love. Thats probably why the only kids I've hooked up with are people I'm not emotionally involved with or not really attracted to.
Let me give you the run down on Angela, the reason we became friends is that my brother Marty and her Brother Mike are best friends, the even have the same age distance me and Ann do. So while I was in middle school Angela used to follow me around saying how we should hang out and stuff because our brothers do, I thought it was kind of annoying so I wouldn't. Than we did track together. We;; me and her were good at running so we would get away with alot one time I did somersaults around the track lol good times :) From spending time together there we became close mostly because she was the only one who could keep up with me when I'm Hyper! We've been best friends since although I'll admit we've had our ups and downs, I love her shes my sister their no other way to put it. We've got a good bond shes always been there for me and I hope she could say that I've been there for her.
Well, thats all I can think of for now. I probably won't be able to write again for two weeks at least because I'm going to visit Angela and my heart for the first time since I've moved I'm very excited I haven't felt this alive since I left I hope I have a good time. I know it won't be the same... Wish me luck!

<3 Kate
June 29th, 2008 at 10:20pm