Questions for Avenged Sevenfold

1.) Favorite kind of Pop-Tart? (Jaci and Lyndsey)

2.) What's your take on the increase in the price of gas? (Jaci)

3.) Which energy drink do you like more: Monster or Rockstar? ( Chels)

4.) Smurfs or Fraggle Rock? (Lyndsey)

5.) Top or Bottom? (Jaci)

6.) Sweet or Sour? (Jaci)

7.) Water balloons or water guns? (Lyndsey)

8.) Nestle or Hershey? (Jaci)

9.) G.I. Joe or Ken? (Lyndsey)

10.) Skittles or Starbursts? (Chels)

11.) Ninjas or Pirates? (Jaci)

12.) Ballerina Barbie or Malibu Barbie? (Jaci)

13.) Bacon or Sausage? ( Lyndsey)

14.) Manual or Automatic? (Lyndsey)

15.) Are you in league with the purple dragon? (Jaci)

16.) Which finger? (Lyndsey)

17.) Soda or Pop? (Jaci)

18.) Chutes or Ladders? (Jaci)

19.) He-Man or Thundercats? (Lyndsey)

20.) Strawberry Shortcake or Rainbow Brite? (Lyndsey)

21.) Tom or Jerry? (Jaci)

22.) Doug or Roger? (Lyndsey)

23.) Do you remember Legends of the Hidden Temple? (Lyndsey)

24.) Have you ever read a fanfiction of your band? (Chels)

25.) Snoopy or Woodstock? (Jaci)

26.) What's the longest period of time you've gone without sleep? (Jaci)

27.) Why? (Lyndsey)

28.) Naked bongos? (Lyndsey)

29.) Why don't you go to Alaska? (Lyndsey)

30.) Were you naked in a Liquor Store? (Jen)

31.) Are you any good at Guitar Hero? (Moriah)

32.) Why does Matt seem to have a hard-on in most performance pictures? (Lyndsey)

33.) Have you ever broken bones? If so where and how? (Moriah)

34.) Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? (Lyndsey)

35.) Why do we say "a unicorn" instead of "an unicorn"? (Lyndsey)

36.) Has Val ever kicked anyone's ass on tour? (Bee)

37.) Are Mattie, Jason, and/or Danny gay or bi? (Lyndsey, Mo, Bee)

38.) "What the hell possessed him to grow that!?" (Bee asking about Johnny's creeper beard.)

39.) Brian, are you aware your hair makes you look like Goku at times? And that I'm sick of people saying that? (Bee)

40.) Yes or no? (Lyndsey)

41.) Brian, are you gonna wait til you're 30 til proposing to Michelle? What's taking so long? Are you waiting for an invitation? (Bee)

42.) Zacky, why are your VU shirts expensive as hell!? (Bee)

43.) What are YOU doing? (Lyndsey)

44.) Brian, do you really have a lazy eye? (Lyndsey)
June 30th, 2008 at 07:27am