Linkin' Park And Co At Projekt Revolution At Milton Keynes Bowl.... Two Words.... HOLY F#@K

It's was incredible
No words to describe if I'm honest
Just.... argh... mindblowing or something...

Major sunburn and dead feeling right now... but meh.... who gives a damn!

I got in the pit area, like there was so long ago now at the Green Day Bullet In A Bible concert there.... amazing, amazing, amazing.

I'll shush now.

Oh, but a guy I met there? Yeah, he got a signed drumstick. Wanker. Very lovely wanker, but a wanker for getting it nonetheless.

And.... no voice.
What did I expect?
Two encores as well....
Just... damn.
More than incredible...

Anyone else go?

Over and out.
June 30th, 2008 at 12:55pm