All you need is love (The Beatles)

It’s strange how love can change your life.

There are two kinds of love.
The Romeo and Juliet kind of love that usually only happens in books and movies. The kind of love that involves all the kisses, the hugs, the handholding, the “I’ll never break your heart” part and such. The love that makes people go ‘aww’ and that causes happy tears because everything is just so sweet. It only shows the good kind of love. And somehow it always ends with “and they lived happily ever after.”
People who have found their Juliet or their Romeo are pretty damn lucky. I mean, love like that doesn’t fall from the sky every day.

And then there’s that other kind of love. The unhappy and unrequited love.
The love with all the sadness, jealousy and uncertainty. The heartbreaking part. You’re wrong if you think that love only involves the fluffy parts, because love can hurt like a bitch too. I bet anyone has had that feeling sometime, where you feel like love is the worst thing ever and how you wanna scream “love sucks!” at the top of your lungs.
Love isn’t just a great feeling that creates butterflies in your stomach. Love can become a very painful feeling that makes it feel like someone is crushing your heart very slowly.

"It feels like your hearts been ripped from your chest, stomped on in the gravel so you get gravel burn, nailed to the wall and repeatedly fired at with a machine gun."

Quote from a person who knows what it's like.

Sometimes that never seems to go away, no matter hard you try.

Maybe you’re in love with someone that you can’t get. That person has a boyfriend or girlfriend that happens to be a lot hotter then you, cuter then you and smarter then you. At least that what’s you think.
Or you’re in love with someone that doesn’t love you back. The person is fully aware of your feelings, but he or she just doesn’t feel the same way about you.
And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Or maybe, you like someone, and that person has no idea about it. Maybe you’re afraid to tell him or her because you don’t know how they would react. And you make no effort to make that person know. There are people who can walk around for years and be in love with someone without telling that person. Just because they’re afraid to be rejected.

That isn’t so funny, now is it?

Or have that good kind of love ended, your boyfriend or girlfriend has broken up with you and you feel completely lost without him or her.

It’s strange how love can change your life.

On some people you can see that they’re in love. They smile more, they laugh more and the only thing they can seem to talk about is that boy or girl, who’s so perfect in their eyes. They hang around that person and you can just see how happy they are.

And of course, there are people that hide their feelings. You can’t tell that they’re in love because they don’t show it. They just happen to glance one extra time at that person, and their smile just happen to get a little bigger as soon the person they like is near. Thinking, dreaming and fantasising is good enough for them. But if they don’t tell you, you could never know how they feel inside.

Love is everywhere. You see it in movies and TV programs, you read it in books and comics, and you hear it in music and lyrics. Love is just everyone’s favourite theme. Love songs are wonderful, either if it’s about how someone would never leave the person he or she loves or if it’s about someone who got their heart broken. The artist or bands always tries to fit all of their feelings into a three minute long song so someone at home can listen to that song and think “this is exactly how I feel.” It’s a great way to express love.

It’s strange how love can change your life.

No matter if you feel the good kind of love, or the bad kind of love, the person you like always seem to be on your mind. You start to notice things you didn’t notice before. How beautiful that person looks, how much you love the color of their eyes and how you love their laugh because it makes you wanna laugh too and the little insignificant looks they give you turn your legs to jelly and small butterflies to dance around your stomach.

You can spend hours of lying in your bed, just staring up in the ceiling and thinking about him or her. You picture yourself and that person, hand in hand, kissing or just staring into each other’s eyes. And you get that warm feeling in your body and your smile keeps getting bigger.

But if you happen to be expericing that bad kind of love, maybe the reality comes crashing onto you like a ton of bricks. “He could never want me”, “Why is she dating that other guy?” and “I still love him, I don’t understand what I did wrong.” While some go out and meet the person who has a special place in their heart, others turn around in their beds and bury their heads in their pillows to block out those thoughts.

Love cannot only change your life, it can change you too. If you like someone that doesn’t like you back for example. Some people try really hard to become that person that someone would fall in love with. Maybe they start behaving different, they start to like other things, just to please the person they like. This is what love does to us. It makes us feel that we’re not good enough, just because that boy or girl doesn’t have the same feelings for you as you have for them. This is the bad kind of love.

The good kind of love is when someone who loves you for you come into the picture. Because love isn’t love if you can’t be yourself and feel safe.

Love can make you stutter, love can make you behave crazily, love can make you forget your words, love can make you blush, and love can make you smile.

Love can make you happy. Love can make you sad. Love can make you foolish, insecure, overwhelmed with joy, stupid, ridiculous, more confident.
Love can make you do things you never thought you would ever do.

It’s strange how love can change your life.

I summarize this by these wise words.
Love is weird.


Just a little something I came up with when I couldn't sleep.
This is based on my own experiences and thoughts.
I posted it as a journal because I wasn't sure if it fits as a story.
Oh, and Mad Porno Action beta'ed for me.
She rocks.
June 30th, 2008 at 09:15pm