Some Sort of Update

July 1, 2008
Begin Time: 4:08 AM
End Time: 4:37 AM

New things in my life:

1 ) I got a puppy.
2 ) I read The Host.
3 ) I just watched Definitely, Maybe.

Numero Uno:

The new puppy is utterly a mess. But I love her to death. Interestingly she's a Chi-Weenie, one of those confound, newfangled hybrids. Throughout this past week she has gone through an array of possible names: Chi, Weezy, Weezer, Weasley, and finally, Sigi.

Forget Labra-Doodles, Go Chi-Weenie!
(And yes…that is my slogan. I just made it up.)


Really good book. I'm sure many would argue it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I myself would not go that far. But neither would I say it was completely crap and should be included among such tragedies as The World is Flat. Overall, I would probably give the book an 8. And the reason I stoop so low is because of the main character(s?).

I believe one reason I find Stephenie Meyer so horrible is her main characters. I don't mean that I find her sexist or anything like that. But I think the thing that I hate most about Wanda and Bella is the fact that they are so self-sacrificing. I suppose that piece of information shouldn't really be considered ghastly but I just hate the idea that I am like them. That's not to say that I am as nice as Wanda because surely I am not. Except I don't like to anger people; I rather like to please them.

Anyway, I found The Host to be adequate. My little disgust concerning the characters is overthrown by the total awesomeness of the story itself.


Definitely Yes.

I really did like this movie. I sort of have a thing for Ryan, you see, and so his being in DM was great. I'm sure if it was some other guy I wouldn't have enjoyed it quite so much.

I did find Definitely Maybe to be a bit predictable. I totally saw "Emily" being the mother. It was quite plain considering she wasn't really mentioned for a long while. That and the fact that Maya had said something like, "It's never the girlfriend in the beginning." It's always the thing that seems less likely.

Overall a decent movie.

And this concludes my little update.

The Evil Monkey is watching you,

P.S. In case you're wondering why I'm up so early, I never actually went to bed. Well, that's technically because I got up at like 8:46 PM. Anyway, I might be an insomniac and it most definitely is the summer.
July 1st, 2008 at 10:53am