Happy Canada DAY!

Yep it's July 1st! Canada Day for those awesome Canadians on this awesome site. this means BBQs, Fireworks, fun with friends. oh boy i'm excited. i've never really done anything fun on Canada day, but today im going to my friends house and we are partying :) we are going to watch Invader Zim the most amazing thing in the world besides JTHM which is by the same guy!

i have this really big can of Jolt Blue Raspberry. it's really good :)695 ml. the big Rockstar is like 710 ml. that sucks :(

i think im going to write my sister a story for her birthday. it's July 4th. i'll make it all cute and stuff. I think she'll like that. it's also cuz i don't have moneys to buy her a present :(

i'm going to start it now :)
July 1st, 2008 at 07:49pm