What does this dream mean?

Ok so I had this dream the other night... And it simply will not leave me alone.

I have a friend, for the sake of privacy I'll call him Scott, who I have known for almost five years now. It has been just as of recently (the past two, two and a half years) that I have really become close to him. Scott is part of the "group" I hang out with, and he and I share interests that nobody else in the group does. We go to car shows and can have long conversations about engines and xbox 360's. I'm pretty sure, to him, hanging out with me is just like hanging out with one of the guys. But he is also a rock for me. When I had a horrible break up with another boy (a friend of Scott's) Scott was the first person I called. Why? I have no clue. It was 3 o'clock in the morning and Scott had just broken up with his girlfriend (one of my good friends) about a week or two before. Never-the-less, at 3 o'clock he answered my call claiming that he couldn't sleep because he felt like something was not right. Scott has welcomed me to his house at random times of the night when I just need to get away and drive. And he has become one of the most important people in my life.

Just one more thing before I get to the dream, Scott also earned his way into GHP this summer and has been gone since the week after school let out. We text at least 4 times a week, but I miss him more than I ever thought I could miss anybody.

And as if I hadn't been thinking about him enough, I had the most realistic/freaky dream ever. (and keep in mind, I'm NOT a girly girl. Crying, dressing up, and being emotional are nowhere on my agenda)
It started off as we were touring a rather large car show, talking and joking around as usual. Then after we left, we went back to his house to chill before I had to go home. His xbox wasn't working so I offered a game of cards. Speed was the game, and to make it interesting, the winner of each round got to dare the other to do something. And as the game progressed and we ran out of dumb dares, Scott dared me to take my shirt off. For some strange reason, I did it. We went back and forth until the two of us were sitting there in our undies and rather large smiles. He won, once again, but I could not bring myself to take my bra off. Instead, I stood up and said, "I have to go." He was disappointed, but he did not argue.
Then the next day, a man rings my door bell with a box in his hands. There is an unsigned note on top telling me to go with the man, and inside the box was a beautiful black dress. It wasn't something I would normally pick out, but all the same I loved it. The man was a limo driver but before he would give me a ride, he said he must blindfold me. Next thing I knew, I was led into a doorway of some place that smelled terrific. Mr. Limo Driver swiftly pulled off my blindfold and stepped back out of the door. I was at Scott's house. He stood in front of me with a handsome suit on (without a jacket) and he had cooked for me. The table was set and his food was perfectly prepared. We laughed and joked as we ate, a normal conversation considering we were dressed up for no reason. After we finished, he came over to me and got down on one knee with a ring in his hand. I did not expect a proposal, and a proposal was not what I got. Instead he described to me how important I am to him and how the past couple of years would have been disastrous for him without me. He brought up when he broke up with his girlfriend and I was the only one that did not blame him, did not hate him. He brought up when his brother had tried to commit suicide, and instead of making a big deal about it, I just was there for him, silent but ready. He almost choked on his words because they were so endearing and so truthful. He gave me the ring because of the times that I had been there for him. "I have one last surprise for you, but you must close your eyes!" He shot up with interest. He took my hands and walked me around his house to "confuse me" as if I didn't know his house well enough to know he had led me back to his room. He opened the door and I opened my eyes to "I love you" written on his floor in peach and red flower petals. He had lit candles and his room smelled more like him than it ever had before. A single flower rested on his bed and my eyes were probably the size of saucers. I still stood in the doorway, him only slightly in front of me, and he looked at me for approval. A single tear rolled down my cheek, and I pulled him in to kiss me. Sparks flew, and I swear we heated that room up to a hundred and forty degrees. This simply gesture of affection made me melt. Before I knew it we were on his bed and fumbling for each other's touch. It was then that I gave myself to my best friend, it was then that he and I fused into the single person all our friends told us we were. Then I woke up.

I have never held hands with Scott, I have never kissed Scott, I have never made a move on him at all.
But now that's all I can think about. All I want. This dream has made me go from missing my friend to wanting my friend to touch and hold me. I am somebody that never uses the word "love" and neither is he... Actually we both had a conversation about how relationships were stupid. And now this?

I am so confused.
And I just want him home.
July 2nd, 2008 at 01:53am