My life story

Well it all started about when I was around 12 maybe 13. The rest of my life before then is nothing really to talk about, only that I was hit by a car, skinned my face on a garage because I was stupid and didn't wear a helmet. But when I was 12 my parents split up, I knew what was going on, I wasn't one of those kids that grew up knowing your parents are divorced and it is acustom for you to see your other parent maybe every other weekend, or what ever. No I was one that new what was going on.

One day I got called to the office at my School (I was going to Minford at the time), my mom was there, one of the teachers that my family knew very well was there too, Mrs. Havens. I could hear alittle of what they were saying but I wasn't sure. When we got to the car, my brother was already in the car. My mom was crying and I wanted to know why. We got to the house and my mom told me and Lee (my brother) to go to our rooms. I could hear from my room, my mom yelling at my dad. She told him to leave the house, because her Brother (my uncle) was coming over to help us pack up and leave. He left, my mom didn't even let him say goodbye to us. I wondered where he went to. My uncle came over and me and my brother stayed in our rooms watching them pack up our stuff. I didn't know completely what was going on, he got our stuff packed and my moms stuffed packed into a U-Haul. Me and my mom followed my brother and uncle. We finaly got to an apartment. My mom and dad fought, for what seemed for ever to get us. She won. I didn't get to see my dad on Fathers Day one time, he didn't get to see us that much. I finally hit 13 and decided when I turned 14 I would live with my dad. 14 came around and I was able to. The thing is that when I was with my mom, I started drinking, smoking cigarettes, and weed. I even tried to kill my self one time. I was sooo depressed, I would fall asleep almost every night crying...well That is all over, I am 16 now, and am not smoking weed any more, and trying to stop smoking cigarettes, and haven't thought about killing myself since then. I was able to find a Beautiful girl, that is now my girlfriend, she is what makes me look life on a brighter side

I look back at it and think to myself, "Maybe it was for the best", now I live with my dad, and have a beautiful girlfriend that I have been dating since Oct. 24th...
July 2nd, 2008 at 03:14am