The Black Parade is Dead

So I got my "The Black Parade is Dead" package yesterday and am just now getting around to spreading the word about how much I love it because upon receiving the packaged I locked myself in my room and refused to come out until I watched and re-watched and danced and sang with my new stuff.


Mexico City show was really good, they were spot on, but I have to admit that I believe the show in Jersey was WAY better.

They got personal, the crowd was in the band and the band was in the crowd.

It was a beautiful thing to watch.

Ray was so incredible, his guitar skills were really showcased in this D.V.D and I really got a better feel for his talent here than I did when I saw them in Houston, Texas.

Mikey was really great as well, I love watching him seemingly composed yet having so much fun.

Bob as always was really at the top of his game. However, both of these shows, I feel, showed his talent to its highest degree. He really is a very talented man.

Gerard's voice was so perfect on the last performance of "Cancer" it brought me to tears. You could tell that he was having so much fun at the Jersey show, but at the Mexico show you could see his theatrical side come out with his swagger and his gestures. It was a really nicely showcased piece which allowed us to see the best of our favorite front man.

Frank, well I think I will always be biased when it comes to this man. I feel that he could do no wrong. I also feel that he has way more fun when playing things from 'Revenge' and 'Bullets' because they lean more to his 'punk' roots. He seems more like a professional when playing "The Black Parade" and more like a man who loves his guitar because it's a part of his body when he is playing anything from the earlier albums. Either way, I simply can not remove my eyes from him whenever he appears because he is captivating like no other musician I have ever seen.

All in all, this was an amazing gift to us fans who will miss them on their break, but I'm happy that they are at a time in their lives where they can be content (at least for a little while) at home with their significant others happily being family members, not the idols of millions of lost and found teens :)

God Bless these five men for I think they have given my generation a reason to hold our heads up high and find our place in the world.

July 2nd, 2008 at 04:39am