I'm Blamed for my Animals getting Killed. Is it Fair? (I dont think so...)

My step dad hates my sister, my brother, and me because we are not HIS children. It makes me mad but at the same time I don't care because I don't like him either. He became a part of my life when I turned eight, which was eight years ago. At first I thought "Oh he seems really cool". It turns out, that he is just about the most unfair person I have ever met (even my mom agrees with me). Anyway, yesterday I got a phone call from my mom while I was at my aunt's house. His dogs killed all my duck's. It might seem weird that I am obsessed with ducks (because I am) but honestly; it’s just as weird as being obsessed with blood sucking vampires. I do NOT like dogs (bad experiences) I’m not afraid of them they just annoy me really bad. I owned fourteen ducks. At first his dogs killed four, then a week later they killed two more. I was very calm about it because I almost expected it (everything I own that I don’t absolutely need to live gets destroyed, ruined, or killed etc). I tried to tell my step dad (Kevin is his name) that the reason why my ducks were dead was because he doesn’t take care of his dogs (they are practically starving and they don’t even get tied up). He told me I was being stupid because I shouldn’t have let my ducks out when the dogs were out. I told him that it was the day he had taken them to work with them; I didn’t know he wasn’t going to tie them up. All he said to me was “well then, the next time you plan on letting them out you need to let me know so I can tie up the dogs”. “Okay fine, that’s fair” I thought, so the next time I wanted to I asked him to tie them up when he came back from work for lunch. He was playing solitaire on the computer. “I’m busy and I don’t have time you are going to have to do it yourself” he replied. I could feel my blood boiling under. Well, forty-five minutes later He’s still sitting there, playing solitaire. I had to chase down his dogs (because they haven’t been taught to obey) and tie them up. So anyway back to my phone call, it turns out his dog chewed through the rope and killed not only my ducks, but all my animals (that includes eight ducks, two rabbits, and a baby chicken). I hadn’t let them out, I don’t even know who did it. All I know is that Kevin is blaming me again...

July 3rd, 2008 at 08:21pm