My World War (RISK!)

My heart and my head have never been friends. But most of the time, my strong emotions get the better of my weak judgement, and I end up making huge mistakes.
But the one time I'm trying to save my heart some pain, I need it to shut up and stop fighting.

There's some conflicting emotions going on here.

I'm so scared of this blowing up in my good as this feels, that's how much it's going to hurt. In my experience, I've only come to regret believing in dreams...

This time won't be any different. I'm sure that I'm going to regret it later. But, hey, you only live once, I figure I'm going to give it a shot, and if it blows up in my face... I'll learn from it.

The thing is... this dream feels too good to crush right now. I'm going to let it run its course...
July 4th, 2008 at 02:52am