Oh, is this really it?

Oh dear
I'm fed up just totally fed up
My brothers keep arguing which has resulted on my mum being put on tablets
she claims these are killing her.

My dad has just said hes moving out
which he does tend to say alot but i think he might actually mean it

This sounds really weird
But i just dont wanna talk to my friends about it
I'd rather talk to people i've never even met
or who dont have a clue
I just dont want my friends to see me as being weak i spose
I'm always the one who never gets sad infront of friends
I'm always happy
Its like a front that i put on at times
Some of the time i am SO upset yet i put on the front and I'm happy old me
Yet i want someone to notice i'm not
someone to ask me whats wrong
Someone to at least acta as if they care
or prefferably actually care
Even though i dont wanna tell them
I just want them to notice
Anybody understand?

oui ou non?
July 4th, 2008 at 09:38pm