stupid fuking aunt won't shut her mouth

fuck that bitch!! she can't shut her effin mouth. i can't stand her. i need to kill her fucking mouth.
i hate her. we all do!
all she does all day is boss us whenever she has the time or whenever she feels like it
she's not even my mom, so why should i listen to her?
excuse me, she's not the boss of me!and whoever heard of weekends with no television or internet or fun?! all she wants us to do is study. i had enough study for the past weekdays! and i need my rest from all of it. i need to get her outta our house. why did she ever became my dad's sister?! she's not even a sister anymore.
i don't care if i do illegal stuff to her,
as long as i shut her effin piehole!
i will do it
for the sake of my siblings.
good thing she knows.
we all hate her.

kill my dad's sister!
July 5th, 2008 at 04:53am