The corner kid is back in town...

Yes, she is.
And she is currently working on Joe, My Hero as she speaks... in third person...
So, yes, she's back in town for no telling how long, but updates, or chapter two, should be up within the next week or so.

And it would help if she had a couple friends, because she only has one, not saying her friend isn't awesome and such, just, the more, the merrier. So don't be shy to add ZombieBunnyKILL, folks. She gets lonely just like anyone else.


...Anyone else hate when people write poems in third person? She means, sometimes it's downright acceptable, because it's a good poem altogether if the author plays their cards right, but she can't stand when it's cliche "her world is spiraling / spiraling / spiraling / into a black abyss / no one loves her / she has no home" bullshit. I'm not saying that you should be prohibited to doing it, because sometimes it definitely works, but most times... well, I'll just say it's expected of you.

Oops. She slipped out of third person speak.

Anyway, she'd better go. She's typing her JMH story, hoping you'll read it!
And if you do, leave comments! Whether it's feedback, a thumbs up, a hello, just send me a notification that you read some of it. SHE WILL RETURN THE FAVOURS, PEOPLE! She's not mean (all the time)!

July 7th, 2008 at 05:03am