Warped Tour '08 [In Houston, Texas]

On Sunday July the sixth was one of the best days of my life! Ok well I’m not gonna talk about the whole shebang ‘cause my day basically revolved around one band, and that band being Pierce The Veil. That band means as much as My Chemical Romance means to me so this is a HUGE deal. But I’ll just start with the little things. Well we saw Hayley Williams walking behind the gates and we yelled her name so she can say hi or like come up to us or whatever. Well she waved to us and did this cute thing where she put her hands beside her ears and wiggled her fingers. Kind of like when you were a little kid and you did that “Nanny nanny boo boo” thing. It was adorable! And she’s like so frikken small and short in person! Way smaller than what she looks like in videos or on TV. Well Paramore played a great show, but I missed the beginning ‘cause I was watching Pierce The Veil and they finished during Paramore’s set so yeah.

Okay anyways, From First To Last was awesome, I think they’re way better without Sonny but yeah, I wanted to meet them but the line was so effing long so I was like screw it, so I went to the side where I was like 3 feet away from them, and I took pictures of them so that was good.

Pierce The Veil was signing at 4:30 so I was in line around 3:50. I didn’t wait that long ‘cause I was towards the front of the line. Well the first guy I met was Vic Fuentes, the lead singer. He signed my poster and I asked if he can put my name on there and he was like “Yeah sure! What’s your name?” so I told him my name and he wrote, “Nikki Rules!” then I asked for a hug and he hugged me. Oh and I also shook his hand. Then I met the guitarist Tony Perry and I shook his hand but I didn’t hug him ‘cause I couldn’t reach over the table. Then I met the drummer Mike Fuentes, I didn’t hug him either for the same reason. I was gonna shake his hand but he was like, “Nuh-uh” then he put his hand up so I can give him a high-five, so I did. Then the last guy I met was the bass player Jaime Preciado. He signed my poster and under where Vic wrote Nikki rules, he put “My Ass!!!”. Haha, I laughed and asked if I could hug him and he gave me this really big hug. Then when we let go, he made this face and said “Wooh, you’re hot! You are hot!” And I was laughing like okay… haha it was funny and I think I might’ve fallen in love haha. Anywho, so we couldn’t take pictures till after the signings, so we made another line. Well when I went to take a picture I said, “This picture is for my friend in Cali so can you guys like throw gang signs?” And they said, “Yeah! We can represent a little for the west coast!” So we took the picture and I hugged Mike and Tony and said, “I didn’t get to hug you guys earlier” so they gave me a big hug. Then I hugged Vic again, and then Jaime. When me and Jaime hugged, he made that noise that guys do when they call you hot. Like “wooh!” or when they make those sizzle noises, and he said “HOT!”. God I love those guys.

Well 2 hours later and they played at the Hurley stage where I was at the front and I was hanging onto the barrier. It was amazing to be in the front when you’re watching your favorite band. The intro song they played was the ice cream truck theme song. I think they’re whole theme is ice cream ’cause it’s their font and it was on the kick drum. Well the first song they played was I think “Drella”, and I don’t remember what order it was, but they played, “Currents Convulsive”/“Bleeding Love” [by Leona Lewis], “I’d Rather Die Than Be Famous”, “Yeah Boy, And Dollface”, “The Cheap Bouquet”, “Beat It” [by MJ], “Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides”, and “Party Like A Rockstar”. Party Like A Rockstar was the last song they played and it was cool ‘cause on Tony’s Guitar it said Party and on Jaime’s bass it said Time, and they put it up in the air. Then we all started putting our hands up and down like those rappers do haha. Well when they played Beat It, there’s this part in the song where they make this weird Michael Jackson noise, kind of like the noise that Jaime made when he said I was hot. Well when that part came up in the song, Jaime looked and me and said that part and did this thing with his hand. I was like “ahh!”. Well then their set was over and Vic came down to meet the fans. I took a picture of him with my little sister and I had asked him if he had a guitar pic. He said “Yeah, I think I have one more left…” and he’s digging in his pocket which he looked cute doing so haha, then he gave me his last one. So now I have a guitar pic from him! So yesterday when warped was over, I just realized that I wasted ALL my money on nothing but PTV merch, and they’re the only band that I met. Which is alright with me of course. They were practically the only reason why I wanted to go.

So that was my little adventure at Warped, even though that’s not ALL what happened, but I just wanted to talk about Pierce The Veil :] If anyone who read this doesn’t know or listen to them, I HIGHLY recommend that you do ‘cause they’re just incredible.
July 7th, 2008 at 10:20pm