Sunday night, the 6th of July 2008. You Me At Six? Amazing.

Has anyone ever heard of that little band from Surrey called You Me At Six?

If you haven't you've been missing out. They are, without doubt, one of the nicest bands I've ever met, and I've met a lot.
They come out before and after every show, they talk to you like you're one of their friends and don't look down on you as if you're not worth the effort.

Sunday, 06/07/08, I saw them for the third time in Yeovil at the Orange Box. Now, when it comes to metal gigs, the Orange Box is just not the place to be. But for a band like You Me At Six, a band that thrives on being intimate with their crowd, it's fucking perfect.

I got up at 08:00am so that I could get to the bus station and catch the bus at 09:15, it took us until about 10:55 to get there but we were the first ones in the queue. However, it was only about quarter of an hours before two other girls joined us. They were nice, one of them was slightly weird but she had a cool sonic screwdriver so it was okay.

I have no idea what time the band arrived. It was about 3 or 4pm? Josh got out the van and started talking to us but they all seemed a bit downbeat so we asked what was wrong and either Dan's auntie or dad was in hospital. Which wasn't good, and it made me want to hug Dan but he wasn't around.

Josh came out and talked to us for a while longer, about stuff. We had another conversation about the new reording of Gossip, and how me and Rachel had had a go at the people over youtube for him. He was well chuffed. Haha.

Anyway, everyone there was really nice. I saw my Polish/German friend Alex again which was nice, it was her 10th time seeing ymas :O & she's seeing them twice more on this tour at both the London shows. I also made friends with someone caled Louise. Well I gave her my number, then she texteded me yesterday but I'd left my phone in my mum's car so I didn't get it until today.

When it came to the actual show I was front row. Attack! Attack! were awesome, they kept saying how amazing it was, and how it was probably one of the best gigs of the tour, if not the best. Tonight Is Goodbye were much the same, although I think they put on a better performance last week at Bristol's show. Still, they found us awesome.

You Me At Six came on stage. By God it was hot by then. Because I was at the front, I had space in front of me to let air in so I wasn't being slow roasted like a chicken, but I put my hand back into the crowd and it was like putting my hand into an oven. And no, I'm not over exagerating.

By the third from last song, 'Untitled 2' ahah, I thought I was going to have to leave, and thus miss 'Save It For The Bedroom' and 'The Rumour', which just happen to be my favourite two ymas songs. I was being so squished and I'd moshed so hard that I thought I was going to puke or piss myself from the pressure of being pushed by 500 people. But I didn't, and fortunately SIFTB isn't much of a moshable song so I could go about it gently. By the time they played 'The Rumour', I just let my heart out and sang. Josh sang a line to Alex - it was the cutest thing ever. (If you met this girl and went to a You Me At Six gig with her, you'd know why. They're like her life. ymas and 30 Seconds To Mars, she has a 30stm tattoo. It's really cool). So obviously she was crying her eyes out, she does at every gig. But this one was special, Josh singing to her would've like, made her life. It was so awesome to see something like that. I also slapped Josh's butt when he went into the crowd. Saucy.

So all in all it was probably one of the best gigs I've ever been to, and definitely the best You Me At Six gig, despite the rain I had to withstand for hours before it. We danced to Cobra Starship and sang High School Musical, it was tres fun. There was a guy running around obsessing over his own nipples and speaking in German to Alex. Amusing to watch and try to understand. YMAS are doing another tour in October. I am so there. They're playing the Phoenix in Exeter, but they're not coming to Yeovil again. I don't think they're even doing Bristol. I can't remember what Josh said, but hey, I'm going to be going to at least one date of that tour. Will anyone else be?
July 9th, 2008 at 12:32am