Tokio Hotel Concert!!

OMG so Tokio Hotel is going to be in Dallas on August 27th and thats the closest they've ever been to where I live!! I want to go so badly, because who know when they'll be here again! So i've been trying to convince dad to let me go, and so far I haven't gotten an answer. :( I hate when they do that...take forever to make up there say Yes at the very last minute and then you have no time to prep, or make you wait forever and then just say no!! Ugh, it gets on my nerves!! I've never been to a concert in my lame and boring life, and this would be an excellent first!! Dad just doesn't like them all that much, cuz if it was like Puddle of Mud or Metallica I wouldn't have to ask twice!! So everyone cross your fingers for me!! :]
July 9th, 2008 at 12:50am