WOO!! *Does happy dance*

Okay, kidzies. I'm back!! I'm no longer M.I.A., haha. My computer *knock on wood, cross fingers, pray...and all that other stuff that keeps it working without me jinxing it* is fixed, and I'm officially back. Sorry for my long absence. =]

So, with that being said, I am currently working on the next chapter for my story, and another one shot. I've got some other things I'm kind of tossing around, too, so keep on the look out for those. =D

Anyway, I'll let you guys get back to something that is probably far more important. Check out my stories if you're new if you want. I'll let you know ahead of time, though, they are Avenged Sevenfold Fanfics. They're (or at least I don't think so, I try to avoid it anyway) not the typical ones that the writer makes up girlfriends for the band members and puts her name as the girlfriend to the member of her choice. Nope, not gonna find that in mine. In my stories, I keep all the current girlfriends/fiancees with the guys, and keep the story line pretty original. So, if they sound like they'd interest you at all, go for it. =]

July 10th, 2008 at 04:31am