
I'mhome back now.



God I forgot how much I hate Ohio.


Me and my mom had been arguing for like 20 minutes straight. We were about 15 miles from our house, sitting at a traffic light. I looked around for a minute and thought to myself, "home." I let the word sink in for a minute and I shook my head. Then I decided no, home is about 1100 miles the other way.

My mom saw me shake my head and she thought I was mad at her again or something, so she says, "What?" in this really snobby voice and I said, "I hate this place."

She was silent the rest of the ride.

I think she agrees with me.

Josh called me today.

He informed me that Julia [the girl he walked home and hangs out with now] is the same girl he liked in elementary school that moved away.

What a coincidence.


I think he wants to date her. But when I said something about it he got all upset and said it was too soon. I told him I'd be ok with it if he did want to and he appreciated that, but inside I was crying and screaming at myself for saying that.


I don't know if I'll write the article tomorrow or not.

I'm kind of...


Just altogether worn out from driving, from Josh, from being back in Ohio, from arguing with my mom...

I'm just tired.

I think I'll sleep all day tomorrow. That'll be nice.

<3 steph
July 11th, 2008 at 02:19am