In the Heat of Summer Sunshine... (To Do List)

Summer To-Do List

Leave your mark.

Okay so I want you to think of the most important place to you. You’re absolute favourite place. That place you always want to be. Go there. Sign your name, write a message, whatever. Leave your mark. Make sure that place remembers you forever.

Tell the absolute truth.

When I have something to say to someone; say it. Have a crush on a guy? Tell him. Is some girl that's a total bitch? Let her know. In a way that won't get you killed. Just, in general stop bottling things up. Say what you're thinking, let people know how you're feeling. Be real.

Do Something Stupid.

We’re teenagers. We need to do it. Do something really, truly stupid just because it’s fun and you want to. Don’t kill yourself or anything though. But do something crazy. Cover yourself in feathers and walk around all day telling everyone you see that you’re a chicken. Eat nothing but chocolate for three days straight. Create an army of goats to follow you around wherever you go. It doesn’t matter. Be weird. Be crazy, Have fun.

Stalk a hot boy.

Follow him. Record his every move. Use the panoramic creep view. (HAha comment me if you want to know what that is). Make out with him if at all possible. :P

Have a fiesta.

Listen to loud music. Full blast. Sing at the top of your lungs. Dance like it doesn't matter. It can be anywhere. In your room, in your bathroom, in your car.

Blow bubbles.

I don’t know why this is here, really. I just think it’s something everyone should do. Act like you’re five again.

Pretend you’re famous.

Meet a new person/people. Pretend you’re a movie star, a singer, a model. Tell them you’re big in Japan. Be a diva. It’s fun.

Invent a new dance.

Or steal an old one and mix it up, make it fresh. Make it crazy. Teach various people. Have them perform it. Record it on video,

Go a day without talking.

Or an hour. Or thirty minutes. However long you can last. But while you are in your vow of silence, try miming everything to people. Make it crazy to confuse them.

Jump in a pool/lake with all your clothes on.

Because it’s summer and it’s hot and I love doing that.

Change something about your appearance.

Dye your hair. Give it highlights. Cut it. Get some fake and bake. Get a new piercing. Whatever you want. This isn’t here because you’re unattractive in any way. Change can just be fun.

Dance in the rain.

If it’s raining, get out there. Get wet. Dance. Flail like a wild beast. Have fun.

This is a list of summer things to do I made for my best friend.
I decided to share it with the world, and maybe someone on here will read it and maybe they'll think one or two of these are actually worth doing.
And maybe it will make their summer, or even their day just a little bit better.
If I could make anyone's day just a little bit better, that'd probably make my day better.
So yeah.
Enjoy. =]
July 11th, 2008 at 08:36am