
I saw a beetle just now and my thoughts were turned to when my aunt told me this story about her friend's relative named Annie:

''When she was licking an envelop shut, Annie got a paper cut on her lip, which she thought nothing of. So over the next couple of days, the cut began swelling to 3 times its original size. Annie went to the doctors, and they took an X-Ray of her lip. They found out that her lip was full of an odd-looking mass. The doctor then perscribed some anti-biotics and sent her home. The anti-boidics didn't work, because her lip conntinued to swell even more.

After 3 weeks, Annie was sitting at her kitchen table when her lip finally split open. Pus didn't come out, but newely hatched beetles. When she was licking the envelope, she transferred beetle eggs to her lip, which was then transferred into her lip(when it was cut)."

I'm not licking any more envelopes again. No thank-you!
July 11th, 2008 at 12:22pm