I'm like all the cool kids

Name: Becca!
Hair Color: blonde, pink and purple !
Eye Color: light brown
Zodiac Sign: im not sure
Height: 6'2".
Right handed or Left handed? right handed

Your Favories...
Color: black and red
Food: i don't have one
Drink: Jolt!
Song: i have too many favourites to pick 1
Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
Gum: fruity
Month:i don't have one
Day of the Week: friday ?
TV Show: Invader Zim
Website: mibba, yotube FOE.
Store: hot topic is cool
Boy Name: Jepharee
Girl Name: Quinn, i love that name for a girl and a boy
State: i liked New Jersey when i was there.
Number: 13 &3.
Book: twilight series, Lamb, harry potter, Poison study series

Have you ever...
Had the flu? yeah
Had chickenpox? yeah
Had the common cold? this is a dumb question
Been in the newspaper? i wrote an article for the paper once :)
Been on TV? just a flash of me when i went to MTV Live
Got all A's? aha i wish
Failed every class? nooo
Had summer School? yeah so i wouldn't have to take the class the int he next year.
Sat on a rooftop? maybe ?
Kissed in the rain? nope.
Fainted? maybe
Broke a Bone? yeah.
Had stiches? nope.
Skipped class/school? aha yeah
Thrown up in school? yeah i think so
Thrown up anywhere else in public? the Go station aha
Streaked? aha no
Gone Skinny Dipping? nope.
Made out with someone? yeh.

This Or That
Rock or Rap?Rock !.
Volleyball or Tennis? neither
TV or Radio? i like the radio, it plays better music than the TV
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Jeans or Skirts? jeans.
Shorts or Skirts? shorts .
Chocolate or Vanialla? chocolate.
Florida or California? Florida
Crayons or Markers? markers.
Black & White or Color? depends.
Sun or Moon? when the moon fell in love with the sun... sorry i had a Panic moment
Day or Night? Twilight .
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.
Book or Magazine? Books are my life

Name who you live with: my mo and sister
Do you have any siblings? a sister
If so, how many? 1
How old are they? 15
Are you the youngest, oldest, middle, or only child? oldest
Are your parents together, seprated, or divorced? i don't like answering this one.
Do you have a half brother or sister? . yea
Do you have a step brother or sister? no.
Are you closer to your Mom or Dad? kinda close to my mom
Do you share a room with your siblings? nope
Are you close to your family? kinda

Do you love someone? yep
Do you love someone other than family/friends? no
Are you single or taken? single.
If taken who is your bf/gf? Gabe Saporta....in my mind :P
If taken again, have you two ever kissed? all the time ;)
If single, do you like anyone? yeah
If yes, who? this boyyyy
Do they know? nope, he has a girlfriend
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you ever had? 2
Would you like to get back together with any of your ex's? yeah
Do any of your ex's want to get back together with you? ew i think so
Do you think about your ex's a lot? my last one
How many crushes have you ever had? a few
Is love a waste of time? sometimes.
Love or Money? love.
Is Ohio for Lovers?no!

Your Bedroom:
Color of walls: white
Color of floor/carpet: pinky
Number of Windows: 3
Furniture and their colors: light coloured
Any pictures? lots of posters
Of what? bands.
Posters? umm yes !
Is there a TV? no
DVD Player? my computer is one
VCR Player? no.
Radio/Stereo? yeah.
Do you share a room with anyone? nope
Do you have bunk beds? nooo
What size is your bed? Queen
Is your room messy or clean? very messy .

Few more questions on house:
What room is the computer in? mine, sisters, computer room
Do you have any guest bedrooms? nope.
Are there any trees? in the house, no
Do you have a pool? nope.
Above or in ground? dont have one.
Tree House? no
Playhouse? there is a park across the street
Porch? sure.
Deck? no.
Shed? no.
Patio? yeah.
Swingset? at the park.
Trampoline?next door
Garden? yeah
Garden Swing? no.
Do you have a big backyard? kinda
Do you have a big front yard? not really
Do you have a long driveway? its long.
What color is your mailbox? we don't have one
Do you have a basketball hoop? nooo
How many automoblies are in your driveway?1

Name your best friends:Alex, Alexx, Amelia, Kathleen, Brianna, sooo many more
How long have you known them? long enough to be my besties.
Which friend are you most a like? all of them !
Which friend is smartest? Alexx
Funniest? Alex
Most Annoying?alex
Shyest? kathleen
Do your parents disaprove of any of your friends? nope
Have you ever betrayed a friend? noooooo
Has a friend ever betrayed you? yeah.
Do you love your friends? to fucking death
Friends or Family? friends.
Are your friends embaressing? of course.
Have you ever been in a horrible fight with a friend? yeah.

Do you have any pets? a dog.
Are you athletic? no way.
Do you shower daily? of course.
Do you sing in the shower? aha yes
What room are you in right now? living room
Do you snore? nope.
How many phones are in your house? 2
How many phonelines are in your house (not including cell phones) 1
Do you have a cell phone? yeh.
How many TVs are in your house? 3
Does your phone have speaker phone? yes
Do you talk online or on the phone more? online.
Are you fat? sgiahbghsbhbyes
Do you have freckles? yeah
Are you tall or short? talllll
Do you have a screen name? no?
Do you have an enemy? aha probably
Who? people
What is your favorite thing to say? fuck
Have you ever been jealous of a friend? ...yes
Do you get jealous easily? yes.
Do you play outside? sometimes
Do you have a laudry room? it's the basement
Do you have a printer? yeh.
Are you random? yeah!
Have you ever been on stage? yep
Can you act? kinda .
Do you smoke? no
Do you drink? no, but im up for it.
Do you do drugs? occasionally pot.
Do you laugh a lot? yes!
How many langauges do you speak? one.
What color is your computer? silver
Have you ever played a SIMS game? no
Do you know anyone that is a twin? yeah
When was the last time you cried? i dont remember.
When was the last time you were sick? i don;t remember
Are you sick a lot? no
Have you ever faked being sick? yeah
Have you ever cried during a movie? yes
Have you ever been drunk? no
Have you ever been love sick? yes.
Have you ever made a snow angel? of course.
Have you ever had a snowball fight? ah. yeh.
Are your neighbors nice? sure.
Do you live on a busy or quiet street? busy.
Have you ever danced in the rain? yep
Have you ever skiied/snowboarded? yeah
Have you ever rejected someone? yep,he was creepy and desperate
Have you ever been rejected? .... :/
Have you ever been in a car accident? no.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? ahahahah yes
Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it? yeh.
Do you believe in love at first sight? lust.
Do you believe in karma? yes.
Do you like school? sometimes
Do you swear? fuck
Are you religious? yes
Do you have a tattoo?not yett.
Have you ever met a cleb? yep
What happens after you die? you die
Are you sick of this suvey yet? kindaaaa.
July 12th, 2008 at 12:58am