
If you only lived for one more tomorrow, I would remind you how special you are to me even when death wipes all the pages of your story away.

If you were to only cry for one more tomorrow, I would hold you close and say that happiness is only a breath away.

If you were to only smile for one more tomorrow, I would cherish it always and cry with you for the rest of the days.

If you were to wish one more time, I would pray for something happy like holding me close or going to the beach with all our friends forever.

If you were to breath one more time, I would live in the water with you until I inhaled too much water.

But, if the world were to end right now, I would laugh and dance with you as the missiles hit the world and give a sickly song.

All the ifs in the world could not stop you and I as we roam the world aimlessly hoping for a tomorrow with no more worries.

*sniffles* In memory of Andrew Rayne Autumn and a big blessing to all my friends at Stratford. -smile- Hang in there no matter how hard the road beats you down, just remember that life or death; rain or fire, nothing can stop us.

-Sesshomaru Tenjo [love you all with my heart mind and soul]
July 13th, 2008 at 04:20am