Being a Teenager and Trying to Make it is HARD!

Well, if some of you don't know, i'm Jessi...the Band Aid. I help out bands in my local music scene. I co-own a promoduction company, Explicit. Our goal is to get bands that we REALLY like and enjoy out there, whether they are from Alaska or Floridia....but the thing is, we are only teenagers.

That is whats Really getting us. See, we have alot of people doubting us, wanting to watch us fail, laughing at us, I mean it's a real confidence lower. Just having people left and right come to us saying....Um..ohkay?! Not taking us seriously. Well, just today as a matter of fact, we had a local venue owner come up to us and ask us about a show she saw on myspace, it was supposed to be at her venue, we had the posters and fliers. We, me and scotty, both look at each other in confidence saying it was OUR show. Rebecca [owner chick] looked shocked, yet somewhat proud. Thats when I knew we were doing something right. Plus within 3 weeks, we had 4 out of state bands coming to us about booking a tour date here for them! We were so happy about that! I'm just happy that things are coming together for us...well somewhat.

We are still having a we bit of trouble booking the last band for our pop show. The two bands I want haven't msgd back yet....grr! But I will prevail. Optimism is KEY!

Lession for the day kidsl: Even when you think your going to fail, it just takes one little thing that makes EVERYTHING your doing worth that much more to you.

(-<) && <3

July 13th, 2008 at 09:42am