I wanna marry Andy Hurley and his pwnful tattoo's.

Does that make me a freak?
If so; I'm going shopping for a dress.

I've been bored practically all day. I have to babysit a kid tommorow and walk a mile to the Y to get him. I can't look on the brightside because it's raining outside....that probably made no sense on here, but it did in my head.

How in the hell did summer pass so quickly? I have to go to school in less than a month. What's your opinion: Have less summer vacation and more holidays, or have more summer vacation and less holidays?
Damn, just give me all A's and I'll go every day of the year. I'll be at the University Of Scranton by next year. Kid geniuses FTW.

I'm rambling, aren't I? Gurr. I need to stop that. How is everyone?
July 14th, 2008 at 04:35am