The Story of my First Love...Please Comment

Anyway, my first love was with this guy named Kyle. I met him while I was in the sixth grade and he was in the ninth. We went out for four years and when I tell my close friends that they are always surprised that people that young could survive a relationship for that long. Anyway, I went through a lot with him, just because he was my first boyfriend, coincidently he was my first everything. He was my first kiss and my first time having sex and my first alcoholic drink and he took me to my first desert rave and much much more. Anyway, my friends always tell me that I should write a story about my time with him because our relationship was full of drama, especially towards the end of it.
So, I've been really considering it, but it's also a really personal story. Even if I change the names and town and stuff, I will know that it's about my life and telling close friends is different then telling the entire world. I would just like to know what any of you guys would do in my situation. Would you write the story and if you did, would you change the names and stuff or would you just write a full blown biography type story. Please, Please, Please Reply.
Thank You Much.
July 14th, 2008 at 08:22am