Lakota, man.

My mom is a full blooded Native American. But you see, back them, if you were Native American, the white folk would take your children away and send them to boarding school. They would take our land, and slaughter our people.

You may have ancestors from around the world, but this country is where my ancestors were raised. Ain't that freaky? Hint's "Native".

So my my mom's dad didn't have his papers, for the fears of being slaughter. So my mom's mom did have her papers. So I'm Lakota. Meaning, I am registered on the Lakota reservation. Ain't that great?


Do I look like the stereotypical Native American?

Coarse not. Even though I am more than 50 percent of Native American, I am also Norwegian and Italian.


I'm so Native American that my middle name is "Anne Rides A Spotted Horse."

I'm pale as hell, but when I get tan, I am about 15 shades darker. And that's a lot. Going from Ivory light 1, to like nude or buff.

My hair is long and straight. Doesn't curl. The color is dark brown. Most people mistake it for black. My eyes are...


Weird like that. Outlined in Blue, then in the yellow. When yellow and blue, mix they create green.

I am also blind as a bat. So I wear contacts, cause glasses tend to fall off, when I'm running or doing something that involves a lot of movement.

My friend JJ, is a Hopi Native American. Full blooded. Or pure blooded.

My brother, half-brother (different dads) is also Native American. Same tribe. His middle name is "Brown Thunder" .


His name is Tomas. Nickname is Tom. He's 22 years old. And a Marine. He gets all of his strength and courage from his ancestors. That's how I like to look at it.

That's where I get mine.

Peace out, and stop taking my land!!
July 14th, 2008 at 10:28am