These Are The Days We Will Remember Forever.

Just a memory. Just one. The past whispers of a happy day that can always bring a smile to your face. When old people say "those were the days!" they're watching a re-run of their own special times in their mind.

On saturday, my friends and I made memories. A little perfect snapshot in time. In the spacious park in the town I live near, there is a fountain, surrounded by walled beds of flowers. I didn't even realise it was there! It bubbles up out of little holes in the ground. I've never seen it on before! When I saw it, I squealed, kicked my shoes off, emptyed my pockets into a jacket, and legged it through. The water was ice cold, and I was absolutely soaked.

By this point, my boyfriend Tom, a friend called Josh (who's moving to Canada soon! D:) and a girl called Jess (who I hadn't met before) had also kicked off their shoes and ran through. It was AWESOME. I have a video on my phone of the boys topless, doing the baywatch run through it. Accompanyed by screaming as the icy water touches their skin.

Afterwards, they all squealed at me for getting them wet, but I figured if they didn't want to do it, they shouldnt've. But I had fun, at least (:
July 14th, 2008 at 07:47pm