Rather interesting day yesterday

Saturday - in my opinion, best day of the week! Apart from gig days of course =p
But yeah, yesterday was probably one of my best days this month (:
met some new friends, walked around all day wearing RobbieSNIPER's hat, which was amusing, because he nearly went home without it: :o!
he's got a proper small head like me! ^__^
really nice day with them all :)
we're cool (Y) we skipped down the street in the middle of manchester :D
and me & Leanne shared a really small umbrella x]
talked about mcfly + elliot minor, because thats how amazing we are ;)

i was WELL proud of myself :D
right, I was walking to go see cat on urbis, and Jack shouted me over, so I just waved made a "-_-" face and walked over to my lovely cathrineeee, who was rather drunk

the thing is
i proper love Jack do death, and have for ages and will for ages, he he still carries on treating me like crap :/
I'm not with him, and don't want to be with him. He gets off with different girls in manchester every weekend.
And its just like, the girls he gets with see him the next week with a different girl, then the week after with another different girl.
Its like; why do you put yourselves through that? HE DOESN'T CARE
Serious, he's such a wannabe manwhore, I dunno why I like him so much.
But theres someone else now, and I don't know why I like him either.. he's just really nice, and so unlike Jack.
Sian keeps going on about it too, so I'm al 'hfiehfrer shhhh!" at her x] But she's allowed coz it makes me go all happy tbh.
Plus my mate that liked him a lot is proper over him now, so I'm like 'Well then! ;D"
But yeahh, new lad to focus my attention on ;)

Got a couple of gigs this week too! :D
Smudge E.P party at Musix Box - Manchester
Our Innocence Lost at Kaliedascope Festival - Hertfordshire
Yes, I'm travelling halfway down the country to see my boys and my lovely bassist on his birthday :)
This should be fun...
Me and mum are getting up at like 6am to get a quarter past 8 train to london, london to watford, then watford to garston in hertfordshire to see my boys playing a festivalll!! :D
should be fun tbh :)
And I actually can't wait!!
My Passion gig at satans hollow in 2 weeks aswell, serious excited about that! (Y)
Well cant wait to see my other boys eitherrr :)
I've got so many boys, its unbelievable really :)

But yeahh... not been up to much this week, but I want to dye my hair again, so that might happen soon,
And I'm really into All Time Low atm, proper love their music & Jack's lovely ^__^
Jack Barakat :D(L)
Mmm, yes please ;D

Right, I'll wrap this up, because its stupidly long! :o!!
As of like... 15 minuets ago, me and Jack made friends so s'all good, but he's still a wannabe manwhore :p

so yeahhh, bye! :)
July 14th, 2008 at 10:40pm