
Music is life. it gives us inspiration, and for some, a reason to live. it doesn't matter what genre of music fills you up, all that matters is just listening. find meaning in the lyrics and connect. once you connect to a certain song, or even an entire artist, it's like nothing else matters, and all you want to do is isolate you from everyone else but you and their latest album. =) music brings us passion, and sometimes, it's the only way we know how to express ourselves. so what we all need to do is think of someone special, and dedicate a song to them. it can be anything. i'm not trying to be a shrink (and i apologize if i'm acting like one) i just think that by dedicating a song to someone, every time you listen to said song, you might just think of that person that you dedicated it to. it might make you smile, or cry, but it's worth it. music is life, and we need to share it as much as possible.
July 15th, 2008 at 08:24am