For Joshua Silk.

I have to say it D:

I'm gonna miss you like fuck. Don't you dare EVER forget summer days with your friends, especially the saturday we ran through the fountain, and had to walk to woolworths to get towels. Always think of us with a smile, okay? Any shit that just shit. It smells bad, and comes out of the rear end of animals when they don't want it anymore. Bad stuff doesn't matter, because you've always got friends who are ALWAYS there for you, even when you're the other side of the world.

A little selfish part of all of us is hoping you don't like it and have to come back, but it's not likely to have a really really great time. Grab every opportunity you can. Don't be scared of anything, and walk in on your first day with your head head high, and with a smile.

You're worth more than any new friends you make, or any of the amazing things you do, and don't let ANYONE ever tell you differently anymore.

Have fun Josh. I'm really gonna miss you.
July 15th, 2008 at 09:23pm