First Journal Entry! 7-15-08

We've decided to start a journal even though I'm sure none of you really care about what happens in our lives. This one shall be written by the better half of you-are-my-antidrugx, Gabby ('re still awesome Molly)
We hearby promise not to lie in this journal at all. What's the point of lying?...I hate liars anywayz. You have to put up with so many of them in life and I chose not to be one of them.
Well we hope we get readers on this, but it's not the end of the world if we don't. We just started it for the heck of it. Lets get to the journal part of this.

Hello, Today's word of the day is: Haggis was boring, like most of my summer so far. I'm home alone from 7 AM-5 PM everyday except the weekends and I'm and only child which does't help the situation. Last night I stayed up until around 3 am because I was sick and felt like I was going to throw up. Then I woke up at 7 this morning to a pug jumping up on my bed and shooting snot everywhere (Pugs are very snot-ish.).
After I woke up I ate some waffles and watched some TV. After that I don't exactly remember what I did, but I spent most of the day on the internet. At 8 (pm) I watched 'The Secret Life of an American Teenager', which is a really good show. It should teach teenagers some lessons. It kind of reminds me of what my parents think is going on in my life right now. Apperently they think I have some secret life where I have a boyfriend and we've had sex, both of which are not true. I feel like they think I'm stupid, I wouldn't think to do half the stuff they think I would do. They also think that I might be talking to some preditor on AIM, when for a fact, I'm NOT. I only talk to my friends, so what does it matter. I'm not stupid enough to run away to Spain with some person that I don't know from the internet. Okay, I'm done ranting about that.
Right about now I'm watching some crazy movie called, Little Nicky, and it's REALLY freakin' weird, but Adam Sanler is in it so I love it! I love pretty much all Adam Sanler movies. Everytime glance up at the screen I think I see Pete Wentz or something. For some reason the character Adam plays in this movie looks sorta like Petey. =]

Molly: (written by Gabby)
Word of the Day: Ragamuffin
I'm not totally sure what Molly did today, but I think it had something to do with Dutch Springs and sun burn. (sounds fun!)

Well, thats all I got today. I'll update when something interesting happens...or when Molly updates.

Peace, Love and The Academy Is...

PS. Perty plz read our story!! (Raindrops on Roses and Girls in White Dresses)
Comments = love!
July 16th, 2008 at 04:25am