Apologies and Obceneties

cause all these thoughts go through my brain.
everything. nothing. random. relevant. irrelevant. crazy. sane. weird. normal. love. hate. math. geography. friends. lovers. likes. dislikes. pen. pencil. paper. plastic. glass. apologies. obscenities. words. laughs. cancer. sleep. energy drinks. razors. safety pins. ducktape. fire. needles. blood. light. dark.
all these things seem to have a different meaning when you’re in love. and when you’re alone. when you’re with some one, you love them. you’d die for them. you care so much. these things seem like just memories. vague objects that come and go. the only thing not vague is the one you love. only they matter. you see only them.everything is okay.but the second they are ripped from your grasp, nothing is okay.everything hurts. screams. bleeds. cuts. rips. tears. cries. breaks. your world comes crashing down. its all ruined. and suddenly all these tings come crashing, squeeling into view. you see more wich brings back memories. wish chut and rip at you. they make you scream. crry. it all hurts so bad. everywhere you look you see. to the point of where you have that razor. the safety pins. fire. needles. you bore them at your skin. your flesh. bringing the pain you feel inside to the surface. your heart break shows on your arms. your delicate flesh. its ripped torn tattered.still as much pain as you’ve brought to the surface as much as you thought it would help it doesn’t help. now you’re just torn on the inside and out. you still cry you still scream. you even beg for the happy to come back. but you’re far beyond happy now. your scarred. mentally and physically. all the promises. LIES. they were all just lies but you knew.
Promises Are Just Wishes We Hope Come True.
so now you’re still wounded broken and hurt. crying. all these images. all these objects they remember. so take the weapons. press them to your eyes and free yourself.
July 16th, 2008 at 05:27am